Friday, December 13, 2013

Who are you, REALLY?

If you want to know who you really are, have a sincere sketch of what you spend most of your time thinking about.  YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK. Feel free to agree to disagree by posting your comments below


  1. This is an interesting concept. First of all, if I became what I spend most of my time thinking about I would be Dean Winchester from Supernatural, lol. I jest, and I don't mean to offend. While I do daydream about frivolous things like TV shows and fictional characters, I spend most of the real reflective time I spend in my head concentrating on the way I want to treat people.

    I think about things I would like to do for my husband, for my family, and the people I really care about. Now, I'm not perfect, but I do my best to be a good citizen of the universe and spread the love. At our very core levels we need desperately to be loved, and the best way to feel that is to share it. I agree that we are what we spend most of our time thinking about because I feel love reflecting back to me from the people I care about and that only makes me think of more ways to care for them. Thank you for sharing this thought, I am going to use it in my morning meditation tomorrow.

    1. Love is all we need... loving yourself first gives a an opportunity to love others, we are created from love, we are here to express our greated and highest love.... thank for taalking about meditation, love that... we get to quiet our thoughts/mind and Be! when we meditate, we get rid of thought and believes that don't serve us, stay pisitive.

    2. Thanks Eugenia. it is easy to have one's thoughts travelling everywhere. Taking time to meditate on the things that matter most to us is paramount.

    3. Supernatural is a really cool show though! I just found it and started watching it recently.

  2. Thanks, Peggy for your comment as trying to be 'a good citizen of the universe'. In this internet era, where we can reach people way beyond our countries, it is good to strive to be a good citizen of the universe so that we can make a world a better place.

  3. I really like the way you conceptualize that! We are what we think we are and not what others say is possibly the best life advice ever given.

    1. No, the concept here is that we are what we spend our time thinking about.

  4. I am what I think I am? That makes a lot of sense to me and I feel that everyone else who tries to tell someone what they should be, should take a look at this post first.

  5. Your title may be short but it holds a lot of questions in it. We can ask ourselves all day long who we are and who we want to be, but what's really important is how we are as that will tell us a lot about what kind of person we are and who we are going to let ourselves be.

  6. I have to agree there are certain things that can describe who we are but the question is, if you know who you are and if we already found our self.

  7. So proud of myself that I know who I am and I am so proud to sketch myself. People should have the same positive outlook in life so we can be who we are without hesitation. We don't have to hide or be shy to show who we are.

  8. I guess its my family. I always think of them everything that's inside my head are all about them.
